TEAM REGISTRATION If you have a team ready to go but haven’t registered yet then complete the following form and we will contact you as soon as we can put your team into a division. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Team Name *Captains Name *FirstLastCaptains Phone Number *Captains Email *Captains Address (Street & Number, Suburb, Postcode) *Indoor CricketMonday Senior CricketThursday Senior CricketSunday Senior CricketThursday Junior Cricket - Under 10sThursday Junior Cricket - Under 12sThursday Junior Cricket - Under 14sIndoor NetballMonday Mixed NetballTuesday Mixed NetballTuesday Ladies NetballWednseday Mixed NetballWednseday Ladies NetballWednseday Junior Netball- Under 10sWednseday Junior Netball- Under 12sWednseday Junior Netball- Under 14sIndoor SoccerSunday Senior SoccerTuesday Junior Soccer - Under 10sTuesday Junior Soccer - Under 12sTuesday Junior Soccer - Under 14sSenior Teams - Game Time PreferenceNo Preference6:30pm - 7:30pm7:30pm - 8:30pm8:30pm - 9:30pmJunior Teams - Game Time PreferenceNo Preference4:00pm - 4:30pm4:30pm - 5:00pm 5:00pm - 5:30pmPlease list any teams that you wish to avoid fixture clases with (For any players who currently play across multiple teams on that day/night)I agree to pay any monies outstanding from either short payments from games played or any forfeit fines my team incurs if my team and acknowledge that my team will not receive any points as long as we have money outstanding. I also agree to uphold the rules and regulations as set by the Management. * (required) *YesI agree to allow for photos to be taken of our team by the centre to be used for promotional purposes.YesNoWebsiteSubmit